2009. február 11., szerda

Ivan Ladislav Galeta

„Croatian filmmaker Ivan Ladislav Galeta is a key figure within structural film. Experimental in the truest sense of the word, his works are months, often years in the planning, all possibilities considered as he explores the medium and its capabilities. Such is his precision that the end results often resemble documentary more than they do the avant-garde; titles and intertitles (even these being exact in terms of font and framing) displaying all possible information, from the nature of the film stock used to the methods undertaken and the times of production. Dry and conceptual, then, but Galetas ultra-awareness of cinema and its processes yields continually intriguing results: TV Ping Pong (the earliest work present) manipulates conventional editing syntax; Two Times in One Space investigates screen space via simple superimpositions.(...)
(Anthony Nield in DVD Times , 21.08.2008 )
More info: http://www.index-dvd.at/php/de/review...

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