mirror works: "The mirror is an utopia as much as it is a place without a place. In the mirror I see myself where I am not: in an unreal space which appears virtually behind the surface; I am there where I am not, a kind of shadow that endows me with my own visibility, shows me where I am absent. But the mirror sends me back to the place I am actually occupying; from the mirror I discover myself to be absent in the place where I am, as I see myself there". (1998)
2008. március 17., hétfő
Ken Lum
SunnO))) / (Repeater) Decay / Coma Mirror
„Banks Violette’s Untitled takes as its origin a performance by the rock bank SunnO))) which the audience was allowed to hear, but not to see. Casting their stage equipment in salt, Violette’s Untitled comprises the only visual documentation of this event. Through its strange crystalline and ghostly presence, Untitled captures the lingering aura of ominous phenomena. Reminiscent of the biblical story of Sodom, Violettle’s contemporary ‘pillars’ of salt give aftermath testimony to forbidden indulgence. During SunnO)))’s performance, the lead singer was encased in a black coffin. Represented as a shard-like abstraction, an ebony form takes centre stage as a mysterious monument of dissolution.”
A.A. Bronson
Mirror Sequences (1969-70) című fotósorozat készítésével Bronson a saját testére koncentrált elsősorban. Központi téma a test viszonya saját magához, a barátai testéhez. Az identitás keresésével, illetve a másoktól való különállás kérdéseivel foglalkozott.
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips kiállításán a Flowers Central-ban (London),
WORD • IMAGE • ORNAMENT címmel, 2007 október 24-november 24.