2008. április 4., péntek

Broken Mirror

The 59th Minute, Song Dong: Broken Mirror
September 26 - November 30, 2005 Creative Time

"In Broken Mirror, Chinese conceptual artist Song Dong destroys one reflective scene to reveal another, shattering the viewer's conception of reality and juxtaposing China's modern cityscape with its traditional landscape. Using a succession of images, the artist exposes a rapidly modernizing China and explores notions of transience and illusion in contemporary society. This fall, from September 26 through November 30, 2006, Creative Time and Panasonic present one-minute video segments from Broken Mirror on The 59th Minute: Video Art on the NBC Astrovision by Panasonic. Situated in the continually evolving Times Square, the artwork encourages onlookers to search for parallels in their own culture.

Watching Broken Mirror, the viewer is at first duped into thinking he is seeing nothing more than a foreign street scene and, like the passersby in the film, he too expects only to give the piece a momentary thought. Yet seconds before he turns away, a hammer appears and fragments the seeming reality, revealing what actually stands before Song Dong, and beyond what the viewer sees in the mirror. The opposing images are visually pitted against one another, demonstrating the proximity of the antiquated and the modern in our rapidly evolving cities and the vulnerability that lies beneath the facade. Song Dong's act of destruction brilliantly exposes the struggle of Beijing culture to maintain its traditions despite inevitable urbanization."

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