2008. augusztus 1., péntek

James Hopkins

James Hopkins: »Forwards and Reverse« (2005) is a backwards running clock which is displayed beside a mirror. When viewed in the mirror, the numerals and clock motion run forwards in a coherent manner.

Double Check
23.62 x 100.39 x 23.62 inches
Pièce unique
In 'Double Check', the letters "CHECK" are reflected in a mirror . Since all the letters are symmetrical, the word is repeated in its reflection - both justifying the title's word play and inviting the viewer to look twice.

Paradox Passage
77.95 x 31.5 x 14.96 inches
Pièce unique
The door 'Paradox Passage' has an opening made of two vertical sections standing at right angles to the wall; these sections are attached on either side of two perpendicular mirrors. The door appears to be open or closed depending on one's viewpoint, introducing an alternative dimension to the space.

Acid Rain
Pièce unique

'Acid Rain' is a standard garden greenhouse whose mirrored walls turn it into a kaleidoscopic room. The viewer's visual path is reflected into an enigmatic effect of infinity and repetition. The work is a humorous fusion of the familiar image of a green house and the disturbing experience of side-show theatrics, between climate control concerns and visual cloning.

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